Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M), Minister of Social Services Camilla Waltersson Grönvall (M), Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed (KD) and Minister of Education Lotta Edholm (L) are currently holding a press conference where a new national crime prevention strategy is presented, which is aimed at all actors in society, such as school, social services and police.
The strategy focuses on social crime prevention efforts to detect and prevent children and young people at early risk of ending up in crime. But also to get people who commit crimes to leave crime behind.
This must be done in three different steps:
The first part is about broad preventive work with a strong line of work, measures in the area of migration and increased participation in vulnerable areas. But also preventive work in schools and health care, as well as violence prevention work.
Increased opportunities for social services
The second part is about breaking the negative development early, with early interventions and increased availability of support and help. Social services must also be given increased opportunities to provide support and help to children and young people – and parental responsibility must be strengthened.
The third and last part is about strengthening and developing relapse prevention work for children and young people. Also continue to develop support for defectors.
The text is updated.