This is how you relieve the itch when you’ve been bitten by a mosquito

Itching, or pruritus as it is called medically, is a feeling that triggers the desire to scratch. When a mosquito bites us, it also injects a small amount of saliva into our skin. This saliva contains proteins that many people are allergic to. The body’s immune system reacts to this “threat” by releasing histamine, a chemical compound that contributes to inflammation and itching.

When we scratch the inflamed area, it provides temporary relief because we activate pain receptors that can temporarily override itch signals. But it also damages the skin further, causing the immune system to react by releasing even more histamine. This leads to increased inflammation and itching, and if you scratch a lot, it can lead to a vicious circle.

Scratching can also cause damage to the skin, which can lead to another infection if bacteria gets into the wound. This is why it is best to try to avoid scratching mosquito bites or other irritated skin areas as much as possible.

6 tricks: how to make mosquito bites stop itching

Obviously, the very best thing is to avoid getting bitten altogether, but if you do get bitten, there are a few things you can do to ease the itching.

1. Refrigerate

Cold can help relieve swelling and itching, so a cold bath or shower before it’s time to crawl into bed can be a good idea. However, keep in mind that if you touch the mosquito bites, they will quickly start itching again, so hands off!

2. Hydrocortisone cream

This is a non-prescription cream that you can buy at the pharmacy. It can help relieve itching and inflammation.

3. Antihistamines

These medications can help block the body’s histamine response, which can relieve itching. However, you should consult a doctor or pharmacist before starting to use antihistamines.

4. Aloe vera

This natural plant has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve itching.

5. Bicarbonate

Make a paste of bicarbonate and water and apply it to the bite. This can relieve the itching.

6. Apple cider vinegar

Dip a cotton ball in some apple cider vinegar and dab on the bite. This can also relieve itching.
