This is how you reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s

Author and brain researcher Hedvig Söderlund has researched the brain and memory for over 20 years. In Nyhetsmorgon’s “Brain School” she talks about the dementia disease Alzheimer’s ahead of Alzheimer’s Day on September 21:

– It is often called cognitive disease and is the most common dementia disease, accounting for 60 percent of all cases. It is caused by harmful changes in the brain.

It is fully folded protein in the brain, in the cells and between the cells, which makes them unable to work and function as they should.

– They gradually wither away and these areas of the brain die.

But not all memory problems are signs of Alzheimer’s or a dementia disease. Poor sleep, fatigue syndrome, depression and medication can lead to poor memory.

– But the main reason is stress. When we are stressed, we have trouble concentrating and paying attention to things.

Signs of Alzheimer’s

But there are some early signs to look out for that may indicate Alzheimer’s. They can easily be confused with signs of natural aging.

– When we get older, you think that you forgot the actor. But it’s not usually a classic problem with Alzheimer’s, rather you tend to forget the names of things. Like a glass for example.

You may also find it difficult to follow instructions, such as when following a recipe.

– If you find it difficult to complete entire sentences and keep up with longer conversations, you don’t remember what is said, it could be a sign.

It is also common to lose orientation and withdraw from social contexts.

– It becomes more difficult to find home, she says and continues:

– It is also common to stop taking an interest in things you used to like. Interests disappear. You notice that the person changes.

It happens with the brain

Hedvig Söderlund shows pictures of brains in Nyhetsmorgon.

– When we age, the brain still shrinks to a certain extent, like one percent per year. But with Alzheimer’s the shrinkage is marked, you see a clear difference.

The biggest risk factors for the disease are old age and genes. But there are some things you can do to prevent dementia.

– What is good for the heart is also good for the brain. The heart supplies our brain with blood and blood supply. It doesn’t hurt with a little reminder to exercise.

That’s how many hours you should sleep

Both cardio training, to build up the breath, and strength training are good.

– Last week there was a study that showed that even yoga, qigong and Tai chi, calmer types of exercise, are also very good for maintaining mental capacities.

When it comes to diet, the Mediterranean diet is very good for the heart and blood vessels, but the Nordic diet is also good. Most important of all is sleep.

– When we sleep, it has been discovered that the brain goes through a kind of car wash, washing away waste products and residual products from the day. It is important that you preferably get seven hours of sleep.

But social contexts are also important, spending time with people and having fun, she believes.

– It is important to feel that you have a place, a role and that you are important to other people.

Today 08:59

The expert: It happens in the brain in Alzheimer’s disease

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Hedvig Söderlund chatted and answered questions after her participation in Nyhetsmorgon. It is now closed, but you can read the questions and answers afterwards.
