This is how you make your home wasp-proof and get rid of wasp nests

Wasp cleanups have increased compared to last year.
Despite the fact that they are important animals for the ecosystem, it is not always pleasant when the easy-going animals move into the home or summer cottage.
– It is
difficult to prepare for how it will turn out, says Håkan Rystrand, pest expert Anticimex.

Remediation companies have so far had more work compared to previous summers. Which is an indication that there may be an increase in wasps in the summer of 2023. However, it is never entirely certain what the wasp summer will be like.

– Compared to last year in June, we have done 30 percent more wasp jobs and visits than last year, says Håkan Rystrand, pest expert Anticimex.

Johan Peterson, pest expert Nomor, also tells TV4 Nyheterna that they experienced increased pressure.

– It is much more this year than last year and the year before. The curves are going up, but they might as well dive again, he says.

How to remove wasp nests?

The easy-going animals like to build their nests under roofs, on bulging parts, as well as in walls and trees. Some wasps also build nests in the ground. The queen first builds her nest and then allows other wasps to move in.

– They are precisely the small nests, often before midsummer, which you can take yourself, preferably when the queen is in the nest, otherwise a new one will be built. Then you can take them with the vacuum cleaner, says Håkan Rystrand.

By the end of summer, a wasp nest can contain thousands of wasps.

– The smaller the wasp nest, the fewer wasps. You can put on a scarf and thick gloves and poke it into a bag. If you know you’re allergic, you shouldn’t do it at all, says Johan Peterson.

Then you should not remove the wasp nest yourself

According to the pest experts, however, you should not take care of wasp nests the further into the summer we get.

– The bigger the wasp’s nest, the greater the chance that you will get stung, says Johan Peterson.

– Now when the wasps start to get bigger like an orange, or later like a handball, then you should call an expert. We have overalls and gloves so we can protect ourselves, says Håkan Rystrand.

Important for the ecosystem

If you discover that you have a wasp nest that is not in a place where it disturbs or causes damage, however, the pest experts recommend that you leave them alone.

– After all, they belong to nature and are useful animals. If they sit in a place where the risk of them stinging you is not great, you should leave them alone, says Håkan Rystrand.

Even Johan Peterson agrees.

– We only remove wasp nests if they are located directly next to a house. We do not remove anything unnecessarily. After all, they have an important role in the ecology.

Therefore, it can be a good idea to think long-term and wasp-proof the house at the end of the season.

– If you have problems with wasps this summer, you can watch out and see where they fly in and out. And then seal where they fly in to secure the home, says Håkan Rystrand.
