Inventory weight plays a big role in New World. Only those who have big bags can take a lot of loot home with them. In this guide we reveal how you make bags and where you can get one or the other bag for free.
How do you make bags? You need the Armorsmith profession to make the bags. For the first level – the adventure shoulder bag (rough leather) – you do not need any special skill in the profession. Manufacturing costs:
You can get the rune of holding at every level from your faction trader or from other players in the trading post. The bag gives you +100 to +120 kilograms of inventory weight.
For the other bags you need:
An item can also be added to each bag during production, with which you can unlock special effects. This includes, for example, less weight from potions or collected materials, but also simply bonus weight. For the bonus weight you have to add pieces of adder stone during production. There is more about the effects below.
Are there alternative ways to get bags? Yes, you can also buy them directly from the trading post for gold. Also, there are certain quests that give you bags.
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Tips and tricks about bags and inventory weight
What bonus effects are there for the bags?
Bags at the highest level can have up to three of these special effects.
How many bags can you own? Each character has a total of three bag slots. These unlock at levels 10, 30, and 45.
Where are there free bags? You can get your first bag for free from a quest around level 12. However, this is a very simple version.
You get the second free bag at level 50 in a side quest. This belongs to level 3 and brings you +255 kilograms and two additional effects. More about the quest here:
New World: How to get a large bag for more inventory space completely free
What is the maximum inventory weight? If you make the perfect bags, you get three bags with a weight of +360 kilograms and three times the perk with a weight of +96 kilograms. That brings us to a total weight of 1,583. In addition, however, there are effects that reduce the weight of the objects being carried, which in turn increases the overall carrying capacity.
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