This is how you know if the watermelon is ripe

This is how you know if the watermelon is ripe

The summer heat is here and then it is more important than ever to drink water and stay hydrated.

Watermelons consist of 90 percent water

A fruit that is perfect in the summer heat is the watermelon, as it is both sweet and tasty but also contains a lot of liquid. A watermelon consists of approximately 90 percent water.

The stores around Sweden have already started selling watermelons, but it can be difficult to know which watermelon to choose.

Choosing the right watermelon can feel as difficult as choosing the perfect ripe avocado.

Here are three simple tricks on how to bring home the perfect ripe watermelon – every time, as the magazine Café reported on.


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Simple tricks: How to choose a ripe watermelon

1. The first thing you should do is pick up the watermelon and feel its weight. If the watermelon feels heavier than it is, it is probably ripe.

2. When you have found a watermelon that feels heavy, you can tap gently on the skin. If the watermelon then sounds a bit like an echo and empty, it is probably ripe.

3. In one place on the watermelon it will probably be a little more yellow, that’s where it lay in the soil before harvesting. The smaller the yellow spot, the riper the watermelon.


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