This is how you increase your pension when the orange envelope arrives

At the beginning of January, it is time for the 2024 orange envelopes to be sent to nearly eight million Swedes. With the annual notification, it is important that you as the recipient know important details to know what your pension will look like and to find out how you can influence the future pension to the greatest extent possible.

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The orange envelope: The important details you need to know

The pension economist Dan Adolphson Björck works for the independent internet site minPension, which cooperates with The Pensions Authority. For News24 he says that many people made their fund choices for a premium pension around the turn of the millennium when that option was still relatively new, but at the same time it is also not entirely unusual that people forgot about it completely. Then it may not be completely clear what applies.

– You may have chosen up to five funds and they have had different returns, which can result in a different risk distribution than the one you had from the beginning. Furthermore, you may have a different attitude towards risk today than you did ten or in some cases twenty years ago.

In the event that you forget to choose your premium pension or in the event that you want to change your savings form, that option is simple.

– Fund exchange for the premium pension is done at the Pensions Authority and fund exchange for the occupational pension is done at the pension company, he says.

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This is how you increase your pension – according to the economist

For those who, on the other hand, have made their choices but instead want the opportunity to extend their pension and thus receive more payments each month, Adolphson Björck has a clear tip.

– The general tip for those who want to increase their pension is to work longer. For each year, it can be about one or more thousand Swedish kroner every month because you are employed for a longer period of time and are retired for a shorter period of time. Later retirement and working at a higher age also lead to lower taxes.

By familiarizing yourself with how to get a good overview of your pension and which options you have, the better influence you have on the payouts. And in order to extend the pension with larger sums, the tip, according to pension economist Adolphson Björck, is to continue working for a while longer if possible.

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