This is how you get a job with the police without police training

This is how you get a job with the police

Approximately 38,500 people are employed within The police authoritywhich can be divided into two groups – police trained and civilian employees.

23,500 work as police officers, while the other 15,000 employees work with everything possible around the police profession. It can be anything from law, investigations and forensics to overall operational issues, communication, personnel development, finance and IT.

The authority is in constant need of new employees, and as mentioned above, is looking for people for a lot of positions in addition to the traditional police role.

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This is how you can get a job with the police

Aftonbladet has spoken to Therese Hanhe who by chance got a position as a criminal investigator with the police, with no previous training.

– It was very quick to get a job, she tells Aftonbladet.

She had previously worked as a journalist and monitored and reported on personnel problems at the police. By then, many police officers had resigned and instead sought civilian positions at the agency due to their low salaries. It inspired Therése Hanhe to make a career change herself and decided to apply for a job as a civilian criminal investigator.

– After I got the job, I attended a ten-week training course, where, among other things, you read about the procedural code, forensics and self-protection.

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A job for those who like true crime

As a civil investigator, you have great powers with many tasks that are as important as they are exciting.

“It is digging, creative work that requires curiosity and the ability to communicate… In short, you are the spider in the web in a detective work where every piece of the puzzle has its decisive place to get an overall picture,” writes the Police Authority on its website.

A civilian investigator gathers evidence by interviewing witnesses, crime victims and suspects. Participates in house searches, and participates in preliminary investigation work, as well as plans and collects crucial evidence that can lead to a trial.

– Both I and many of my colleagues listen to true crime podcasts a lot. There are probably a lot of crime geeks working for the police. After all, not all cases are worked with crime pods material, but detective work itself is present in all investigations, says Therese Hanhe to The evening paper.

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Other ways to become a police officer

But there are also other ways to go. Below is a list that The police authority developed.

Basic education

The regular police training can be applied for at any time of the year. Includes two years of on-campus or distance learning, plus six months of service as an aspirant. Then employment as a police assistant in the desired police area.

Function oriented police training (FPU)

For you with academic education and professional experience. A one-year course, mainly at a distance, for specialists in IT, investigation or analysis.

You will also be employed with a salary during the training. Also includes six months aspirant service. After the training, you will be employed in a specialist role with the powers of a police officer in the desired police area.

Part-time police training (DPU)

For those who want to study part-time and work in your hometown. With a lower rate of study, approximately 80 percent of full time. A total of 2.5 years of distance learning and a six-month service as an aspirant.


For you with an academic education, at least a bachelor’s degree. A compressed education with a high rate of study. Contains, among other things, a four-month introduction to the future workplace.

A total of one year of study, mainly at a distance, plus six months of post-graduate work. Employment as a police assistant where the introduction was carried out.

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