This is how you fall asleep more easily in the heat – the unexpected trick

This is how you fall asleep more easily in the

Everyone has their own tricks on how to best cool off at home when the heat is oppressive and the air is still. It is common to turn on a fan, take a cold shower and keep cold towels in the freezer. But there is a trick that at first glance is the last thing you want to do when it’s hot and you want to cool your body. But it actually helps.

News24 have previously written about the best way to keep the home cool, where some of the tips are not to open windows during the day and to avoid using the oven as much as possible.

READ MORE: Hard to sleep? Here are 4 simple tricks to fall asleep faster

That’s how many degrees you should sleep in

According to SVT should you sleep in temperatures between 15 and 19 degrees for the best night’s sleep possible. But in the summer those temperatures are almost unattainable and it can be difficult to sleep.

– Then it can be difficult to bring the body’s temperature down. It can make it difficult to fall asleep and the person’s different sleep stages are disturbed in different ways, says Frida Rångtell sleep researcher for SVT.

She also suggests putting a wheat pillow in the freezer or wetting your hair before bedtime.


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Things you shouldn’t do when it’s hot outside

Take a hot shower and sleep better

When you are really hot, a cooling bath in the sea or a really cold shower beckons. What is unexpected is that this can have the opposite effect. It works effectively to quickly cool down the body, but if you want to sleep better, you should do the opposite. A hot shower opens up the vessels and then lowers the body temperature.

The body thus naturally cools itself down during a hot shower.

– It can help the body get into the right sleeping temperature and it can have an effect on sleep, says Frida Rångtell to SVT.

DO NOT MISS: Keep this in mind when cooking chicken this summer
