This is how you easily organize your home – room by room

The kitchen is often the heart of the home. It is a place where meals are prepared, family gathers and memories are made. A well-organized kitchen can make cooking more enjoyable and efficient.

  • Storage: Start by clearing out all unused kitchen utensils and appliances. Use different drawers to separate cutlery and kitchen utensils, so you can quickly find what you need. Clear jars and containers are great for storing dry goods, as you can easily see what’s inside and how much is left.
  • Workspace: A clean and tidy work area makes cooking easier and more enjoyable. If you have appliances that you rarely use, consider storing them in cabinets or on shelves to free up counter space.
  • Refrigerator: Regular cleaning and organization of the fridge helps prevent food waste. Group similar items together—for example, dairy, vegetables, and meat—to make it easier to find things.
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    2. How to organize the living room

    The living room is a great place for relaxation, entertainment and socializing. An organized living room creates an inviting atmosphere for both family and guests.

  • Media Equipment: With many electronic devices, cords can quickly become messy. Use cabinets or shelves to store your technology. Try hiding cords under rugs or behind furniture for a cleaner and more organized living room.
  • Books and magazines: Books, newspapers and papers can easily accumulate and create a mess. By using bookshelves, magazine racks and cabinets, you can keep everything organized. Remember to regularly clean out old newspapers and papers that you do not use.
  • 3. How to organize the bedroom

    Your bedroom should be a sanctuary, a place where you can rest and relax. An organized bedroom can contribute to a better night’s sleep and a more harmonious atmosphere.

  • Clothes: By regularly clearing out clothes you no longer wear, you can keep your closet and dresser drawers organized. Use clothes hangers for clothes that need to be hung, and drawers for underwear, socks and other smaller items.
  • Makeup and jewelry: Make-up and jewelery can easily get messy. Use makeup organizers and jewelry storage to keep everything in place.
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    4. How to organize the bathroom

    The bathroom is one of the most used rooms in the home, and it can quickly become messy if not kept organized.

  • Hygiene products: Instead of having all your products scattered around, use baskets, boxes and shelves to organize them. Go through your products regularly and discard expired or unused items.
  • Towels: Towels should be stored in a way that makes it easy to retrieve them when needed. By folding and stacking them neatly on a shelf or in a cabinet, you can keep them organized and ready for use.
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    5. How to organize your workspace

    A study or home office can easily become a place where papers and gadgets accumulate. Keeping it organized can increase productivity and reduce stress.

  • Document: Paperwork can quickly become overwhelming if not managed properly. Use folders, binders and drawers to sort and organize important papers. Make sure you have a system in place to manage incoming and outgoing mail, bills and other important documents.
  • Electronics: With all the technology in modern homes, cords and cables can become a problem. Ensure a clean and organized workplace by using cable organizers. Hide excess cords and keep the desk surface clean of unnecessary gadgets.
  • 6. How to organize your storage and garage

    Storerooms and garages can easily become gathering places for things we don’t know where to dispose of. With a little organization, however, these spaces can become much more useful.

  • Tool: Instead of leaving tools lying around, use tool shelves, nail boards or tool boxes. Organize tools by frequency of use and type to make it easier to find what you need when you need it.
  • Storage: Clear plastic boxes are perfect for storage, as you can see what’s inside. Label each box with its contents and stack them neatly. Make sure to keep walkways clear and avoid stacking things too high.
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    7. How to organize the children’s room

    The nursery can be a challenge to keep organized, especially with the constant stream of toys, clothes and school supplies.

  • Toys: Use baskets, boxes and shelves to keep toys organized. Encourage your child to clean out old or unused toys regularly. A rotating system, where some toys are kept away and replaced at regular intervals, can keep interest up and reduce clutter.
  • School supplies: A small desk with drawers can help your child keep school supplies such as paper, pencils and books organized.
  • 8. How to organize the laundry room

    The laundry room can be a busy place, especially in larger households. But with a little planning, laundry day can go much smoother.

  • Laundry: Use separate baskets or bags for dirty laundry – one for light clothes, one for dark, and maybe one for delicates. Have a dedicated place to hang clothes that should not be tumble dried or that need air drying.
  • Read more here:

    7 simple tips to keep the home tidy – all the time
