This is how you build your ships in Starfield

Here you can get an overview of how ships are assembled in Starfield. MeinMMO shows you details about shipbuilding, the different systems and pictures of ships that have already been shown in trailers.

The ship building in Starfield is said to be one of the biggest features of the sci-fi role-playing game. Your ships will always accompany you and depending on which path you want to take in the game, your ship’s focus will be on other tasks.

Smugglers need secure storage space, protected from customs officers’ scanners. Pirate hunters should rely on mobile ships that can outmaneuver enemy fighters. Luxury liners should make their passengers comfortable with extra services.

We don’t yet know all the details of shipbuilding in Starfield. But what has already been shown, we explain to you here in the overview:

By the way, at the opening event of gamescom 2023 there was a new, impressive trailer from Starfield to see:

Gamescom ONL 2023 Trailer Starfield

More videos

Info about the feature – details about ship construction

Let’s start with some basic information about the Shipbuilding feature:

  • You start with a “free” ship that you can upgrade – the “Frontier”
  • You can own multiple ships, have one main ship
  • Large ships or even fleets should only be possible in the endgame
  • The feature is described as “expensive”, you need a lot of in-game currency
  • There are at least 10 docks where you can rebuild your ships
  • Different docks offer different parts – also visually
  • You can control ships in third-person or first-person perspective
  • If you rebuild your ship, you have to complete a “Flight Check”.
  • You cannot land directly on every planet, but require certain equipment for some undergrounds
  • Enemy ships can be hijacked, but then have to be “registered” at great expense
  • Grav-drive jumps can be interrupted by enemy (pirate) ships
  • You can take crew members who improve your ship
  • The ship has an overall health (hull strength), modules also come with their own health values
  • You can probably summon your ship anywhere, similar to a mount in other games
  • If you don’t feel like building ships, you can upgrade existing systems or buy ready-made ships
  • The Frontier – Our first ship

    By the way, really all ships in the game were built in the ship designer, which is also available to the players. But that doesn’t mean that you can also build the largest ships in Starfield yourself.

    How big your ships can actually get cannot be said with certainty at the moment. From the material shown so far about Starfield, however, one can already draw a few conclusions:

    more on the subject

    How big can I build my ship in Starfield? Germans would say: 1.5 soccer fields

    by Mike Schneider

    Ship Modules – The foundation of every ship

    In total, your ship consists of 13 different module types, all with their own properties that change the values ​​of your ship. With the different docks you get modules with a different distribution of values.

    You need some parts in order to be able to carry out certain actions at all – for example to land on special planet surfaces. Other parts only have optical functions.

    Here are all known module types:

  • cockpit
  • Brings hull points, space for crew members and camp
  • habitat
  • Accommodation for more crew members
  • shield generator
  • Creates a protective shield around the ship
  • cargo hold
  • engine
  • The drive determines speed / acceleration / mobility
  • fuel tanks
  • Stores Helium-3 for all propulsion applications: Must be refilled
  • Grav Drive
  • Enables lightspeed jumps, determines range (light years) and consumption
  • reactor
  • Gives energy bars that can be distributed in the subsystems
  • weapons
  • Energy Weapons / Projectile Weapons / Lasers / Electro-Magnetic: Different weapons bring different advantages in combat
  • landing gears
  • You can land on certain planets
  • Landing Bay
  • You can abandon ship on certain planets
  • docker
  • For docking maneuvers in space
  • cowling
  • Structural elements that change the look
  • The modules at a glance

    The optics of the module types can differ greatly, which allows for countless combinations and a high degree of individualization.

    If you want to keep a module longer, you can upgrade it at a dock and increase the values ​​with it. So you don’t necessarily have to buy a better module. However, it is still unclear whether there are stronger or only specialized modules.

    Each module strengthens certain values. The mass of the modules is also important because you have to dimension your drive accordingly. A big freighter needs just as big drives, otherwise the freight never arrives.

    Here is an example of the values ​​of a drive from the showcase:

  • engine module
  • Class
  • Max Power
  • Engine Thrust
  • Maneuvering Thrust
  • engine health
  • hull
  • crew capacity
  • Your drive thus affects different areas of the ship and can even increase the crew member capacity. In addition, modules come with their own health, so they can also be damaged independently of the ship’s hull.

    It is still unclear how big our ships can be

    Sub-systems & values ​​- you determine the balance

    How do sub-systems work? When you are seated in your cockpit, you have access to a power distribution matrix. Your reactor module determines the amount of energy that you can freely distribute in your subsystems.

    Want more boost to evade the Space Police? More energy on the lasers to fry enemy shields? You can distribute the energy freely and thus boost the following systems:

  • LAS / Lasers
  • BAL / Balistics
  • MSL / Missile Damage Strength
  • ENG / Engine
  • SHD / Shield
  • GRV / Gravity Drive
  • During your adventures in space, you will be constantly playing with the energy controls. Energy management should be really important in battles against other ships – depending on whether you need shields because you are being pursued or weapon power because you are attacking.

    The sub-systems in the cockpit at a glance

    Which values ​​do you have to pay attention to? In the following we show you a few values ​​of the ships in Starfield. They are made up of your modules and the structure of the ship.

    You decide where to put your focus, in which direction you balance your ship:

  • Hull – Health of the ship
  • Shield – More health/regen when not in combat
  • Cargo – So much stuff you can take with you
  • Shield Cargo Capacity – Possibly room for contraband
  • Max Crew – The maximum number of crew members
  • Jump Range – Maximum distance with a grav drive jump
  • Mobility – Better maneuverability
  • Top Speed ​​- maximum speed in a system
  • Mass – The mass of your ship
  • Especially the mass is an interesting value that you have to pay attention to. Because the mass determines how strong your drive must be. Maneuverability also suffers with large, heavy ships.

    Customization options – extent still uncertain

    Basically, you can put together all the modules in the game as you want. The only limit to your imagination is the size of a dock.

    You can apparently find visually different modules with similar values ​​on the different docks. The design of the modules depends on the planet where you buy the parts. The ship designer then lets you assemble the modules freely.

    The hull of your ship can be painted as colorfully as you see fit. Individual parts can be adjusted, but you can also repaint the entire ship with one click.

    Here is a small selection of ships that have already been shown:

    Your ship can be set up by yourself. How deep the system goes cannot yet be estimated. The developers once mentioned a comparison with Doom 2016’s building system. That would open up a lot of possibilities. Watch the Starfield Signal channel English video if you want to know more about it (via

    We can make ourselves at home

    Ships and shipbuilding could be a big part of your Starfield experience. Or not: If you don’t feel like using the ship designer, traders will offer you ready-made ships that you only have to upgrade.

    If you have any questions about the topic, put them in the comments.

    You can find our large overview with all information about Starfield here: Starfield: All information about the release of Bethesda’s sci-fi epic – gameplay, editions & content
