This is how you avoid the houseplants dying during the winter – with the help of snowballs

Are you having trouble getting your flowers to survive the winter and cold months? You’re not alone. When the darkness sweeps in and the hours of sunlight become fewer, it is not simply to make them survive for very long.

A trick can then be to actually make use of the snow that is on the ground, in order to give them nutrition and water at the same time.

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Pour snow on the plant – for more nutrition

In an interview with Leva & Bo tells Philip Johansson, who developed the gardening app GardenR, why it might be a good idea to give the flowers snow instead of just tap water. This is in view of the fact that the snow that falls from the sky does not contain lime, as tap water does, and that it helps the plant to lower the temperature.

– The advantage is that the snowball temporarily helps lower the temperature around the plant slightly. The snowball also helps with the moisture around the foliage over a slightly longer period as it slowly melts. The fact that it melts slowly and finely also means that the soil does not get wet in the same way as when watering, but provides a more even addition of moisture, which is good for the roots, he says to Live & Live.

What you do is pick up a snowball or two and then place it in the pot on top of the soil. Then let them melt slowly.

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Be careful with sensitive plants – this is what you do instead

However, one should be careful with the plants that are extra sensitive. Then you can instead take snow from the ground and pour it into a watering can so it can melt, and then water the flower with the water.

– You lose a little nitrogen, but it’s still good for the plant and you save on tap water. Why not throw in some coffee or tea in the kettle while you’re at it, there’s also some nitrogen and other nutrients there, so you don’t have to flush it down the drain and you don’t have to buy plant nutrients.

The plant expert advises – so your palette leaves will be nice again after the winter
