This is how you avoid game accidents during the Easter trip in the north

Over the past six years, over 13,000 reindeer accidents have been reported in northern Sweden. But there are ways to avoid these dangers.
– Take your time on the journey and experience nature. Then there is also a greater chance that you will spot reindeer in time, says Jon-Krista Jonsson, reindeer owner in Ran’s Sami village.

A common sight along the road in northern Norrland are reindeer moving freely, which increases the risk of collisions.

One of the most obvious warning signs are reindeer warning signs along the road. These indicate that reindeer are nearby, or even on the road. But what does it mean if you see a black garbage bag by the side of the road?

Many people associate it with cleanliness and that is actually right, but the fact is that it can be an indication of something much more important.

– Here in Norrland, we reindeer owners set up garbage bags by the road to alert road users that there is something further ahead. That is, reindeer, says Jon-Krista Jonsson.

Over 13,000 accidents in the area

Between the years 2018 and 2023, over 13,000 reindeer accidents occurred in the reindeer grazing area from Härjedalen to Norrbotten. These accidents not only affect the animals themselves, but also road users and reindeer owners. It is therefore of the utmost importance to be alert on the road and in the terrain to avoid these incidents.

– If you see fresh reindeer tracks along the roads or scooter tracks by the side of the road, there may be reindeer and reindeer herders nearby, explains Jon-Krista Jonsson.

That way you make it easier for others

If the accident were to occur after all, it is important to act quickly and correctly. As a driver, it is your duty to immediately call the police and report what has happened.

To make it easier for rescue personnel, reindeer owners and other road users, it is also important to mark the location clearly. For example, use wildlife accident strips if you have access to them, and if possible, use a compass app to enter the exact coordinates of the location of the accident.

– It makes it easier for us, but if you pay attention to warnings such as signs and garbage bags, you can avoid accidents altogether, says Jon-Krista Jonsson.
