This is how you avoid attacking seagulls

This is how you avoid attacking seagulls

In summer, seagulls, laughing gulls and terns become more and more common. The seagulls are unfortunately not always as welcome as the warm weather. Common to the birds is the sound they make, something that can be perceived as disturbing.

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Where the seagulls are often depends on where people are. The birds have learned that people often leave litter and garbage behind – something that can mean food for them. If the area is therefore well populated, there is a high risk of there being groups of seagulls looking for their new meal.

Then it can sound like a lot.

– The seagulls’ sounds are a way for them to communicate, says Thomas Persson Winner stone who works with pests at Anticimex, to News24and continues:

– It is a mixture of the warning sound and other sounds that they use to “talk” to each other.

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Therefore, seagulls go on the attack

The sound of seagulls is not the only thing that can disturb passers-by. They can also attack.

– Seagulls have a tendency to attack those or what they believe can harm their young. It is thus a protective defensive behaviour, he says.

Gulls usually nest in inaccessible places such as rocks, islets or roofs. It is also not unusual for a seagull to leave its eggs on a terrace.

– If you have, unknowingly or not, disturbed a nesting seagull, there is a risk that they will attack, says Persson Vinnersten at Anticimex.

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How to avoid attacking seagulls

Even if you have not seen the seagulls’ nests or chicks yourself, a nesting bird can attack if it feels that you are getting too close.

– Then it is probably good to withdraw and remove yourself from the scene. Mostly to avoid being attacked and maybe even pooped on by flying seagulls, says Persson Vinnersten, and continues:

– When you know where these are, it is of course easier to keep a suitable distance now during the breeding period.

However, if you find the seagulls disturbing, you can blow your nose at the end of the summer. Then the birds fly south and leave the country.

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