This is how torrential rain can hit valley municipalities – new maps show flood risks

– These can help municipalities to prevent risks in advance. To implement measures to divert, store or control the water in order to protect socially important activities, says Eva-Karin Ljunglund, emergency manager at the Dalarna County Administrative Board.

With the help of the maps, municipalities and other actors can prepare for torrential rains that can lead to serious flooding.

– We are doing this based on our mission to coordinate climate adaptation in Dalarna. The ambition is for the work to permeate our entire business going forward, says Eva-Karin Ljunglund

Three different scenarios

The maps have been marked based on three scenarios. Color markings on the maps show how a downpour of a so-called 100-year rain in today’s and in a future climate would affect the urban areas.

The third scenario shows how a downpour of extreme rain similar to that which occurred in Gävle in 2021 would affect FalunLudvika and Smedjebacken’s urban areas.

– If you want to go ahead and make bigger measures and investments based on the mapping, you have to do more detailed studies on a smaller scale, says Eva-Karin Ljunglund.
