This is how to get 10,000 steps a day when you have a sedentary job

This is how to get 10000 steps a day when

Working at home or in the office doesn’t allow you to move around enough, but there are tips to know to get there.

We all have in mind the goal of having to take 10,000 steps a day to be healthy. If the figure has been revised slightly downwards – studies have shown that the health benefits begin at 4000 steps – the more we move, the more we reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension, and the more we improve our mental health. The problem is that this is not always possible. Especially today. The deployment of teleworking for example, as good as it may be in terms of reducing mental loadis not for physical health. Because we walk less. Same thing for the growing use of scooters. It is certainly practical and saves time but deprives the body of walking. And in the long run it’s bad. Also, many men and women wonder how to manage to take 10,000 steps a day when you have a sedentary job? There are several solutions, everyone can choose the ones best suited to their pace of life.

On the Thread social network, Internet users give their tips for taking on the challenge. Here’s what they suggest to get moving while having an office job:

  • go for a walk 30 minutes in the morning before starting work and 30 minutes in the evening after
  • opt for a sit-stand desk
  • go for a 30-minute to 1-hour walk during your lunch break, for example while listening to a podcast to free your mind by thinking about something other than work
  • walking to work rather than taking transport
  • avoid elevators and escalators but take the stairs
  • exit one metro station first and walk the rest of the way to the office
  • accompany your colleagues when they go to get lunch (if you are used to bringing your lunch)
  • take regular breaks during the day, get up to get a glass of water, a coffee when changing floors
  • go shopping on foot to the local supermarket in the evening
  • buy a walking mat (ideally install it facing a window, it’s more motivating than facing the living room wall or in the basement)
  • voluntarily park far from your destination to walk the rest of the way
  • work while sitting on a swissball (the large balls sold in sports stores, they allow you not to remain static, to work your back and to strengthen your stomach).

Armed with these tips, all you have to do is take action. By being better in your body, you are also better in your head, a winning combo personally and professionally.
