This is how the weather will be at Easter – spring heat throughout Sweden

This is how the weather will be at Easter

Published: Less than 30 min ago

The weather forecast brings good news.

Easter will be yellow and warm.

– The spring heat is back. It looks like it will be a really nice Easter, says Hanna Winge, meteorologist at Klart.

During the Easter weekend, there will be spring heat over almost all of Sweden. A stable high pressure has parked over the country.

– It looks like it will be really sunny and nice basically everywhere, says Hanna Winge, meteorologist at Klart.

Spring heat during the weekend

Easter week begins sunny with clear weather in large parts of the country except in central Sweden – where light snow is expected to fall.

The temperature is believed to be around 5 plus degrees in the south and around 5 minus degrees in the north with clouds in parts of the country.

But on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday it will break out in sunshine.

– At best it will be this weekend. As it looks, it could be 12 plus degrees in the south and as much as 5 plus degrees in the north, says Hanna Winge.

Only during Easter Eve does the weather break with some clouds again over the northern half of the country. However, the temperature continues to stay above zero degrees.

full screen Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

On Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, the sun is expected to shine in Svealand and Norrland. But not in Götland – there it will be cloudy weather instead.

Where in the country can you expect the best and worst weather?

– The best weather will be around the Gothenburg area. It will be worst in the far south. There it can be cloudy with a small risk of rain, says Hanna Winge.

“Remember sunscreen”

For those who spend Easter in the mountain world and where snow still lies on the ground, Hanna Winge has an important tip.

– Remember sunscreen! The sun is reflected strongly in water and snow. So it is important to lubricate yourself and protect yourself in this lovely spring weather.

According to the weather forecast that Hanna Winge looked at, the warm weather will remain in the country until the middle of next week.

– It is always difficult to make stable longer forecasts. But as it looks now, there won’t be any more severe weather changes in the near future.

full screen Can be a mode for hanging out in the sun during the Easter weekend. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT
