This is how the Tappara player’s rape accusation was handled in the team – coach: “I think it’s a proper way”

This is how the Tappara players rape accusation was handled

Tappara’s coach Juha Juujärvi commented to about the recent uproar in ice hockey. According to him, such things are not good for anyone.

Roope Visuri,

Sari Sirkki

There has been enough talk around Tappara in recent days. Tappara’s player on Thursday Top Rönni said in the club’s press release that he was accused of rape. Rönni is out of the team’s activities for the time being.

Tappara said in his press release that he will not comment further on Rönni’s case. Recently, however, the activities of the players in the SM league have been agitated. Last week, the rape conviction of JYP’s Severi Lahtinen was discussed. A few weeks ago Rauma Lukon Tarmo Reunanen low-style language came to the fore in Kuopio.

Urheilu asked a member of Tappara’s coaching team Juha from Juujärvi about recent bad reputations for ice hockey in general.

– All I can say about it is that whenever something like this happens, regardless of the sport or area of ​​life, it’s not a good thing for anyone, Juujärvi states.

How was the team told about Rönni’s case?

– It was handled within the team. Topi was there himself. I think it was the proper way, Juujärvi answers.

During the past year, rumblings of racist chanting have also been revealed in the field of hockey.

According to Juujärvi, hockey clubs are increasingly doing other educational work related to hockey.

– In general, its importance is infinitely great. My sons play different sports than hockey, but from the parents’ point of view, the most important thing is a good and safe environment. I know that there is still work to be done in hockey, says Juujärvi.

On Wednesday, Tappara announced that he had acquired the SM league champion Petri Kontiolan. The 39-year-old Kontiola had already finished his career last season at local rival Ilves, but decided to come back now.

Kontiola openly told how he had applied for substance abuse treatment after last spring’s bronze medal match. There, he had begun to think about continuing his career.

Juujärvi was proud that Kontiola decided to seek help.

– I haven’t personally met him yet this season, but I’m looking forward to meeting him again after a 20-year break in the same team. I hope his story will be a good help to everyone who suffers from some type of problem. It’s always worth talking and asking for help. However, that help is always available, Juujärvi formulates.

On Friday, league leader Tappara beat league jumbo SaiPa with 6–1 goals. On Tuesday, Tappara had lost in the Champions League, CHL, to the Swiss Biel-Bienne 3–6.

– Overall, the week has been heavy. The games are the salt here. In Switzerland, there was a stinging defeat after a good game. Now we got machines running and balm for the wounds, Juujärvi summed up.
