This is how the SpaceX Starship’s first stage will be captured when it returns

This is how the SpaceX Starships first stage will be

The world’s most powerful rocket in existence (a total of 39 different Raptor engines combined) SpaceX Starship An important plan for It is being done.

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk According to the post made by SpaceX Starship’s first stage (Super Heavy) when you look back here will be captured in a similar way to what you can see in the video. The company plans to make the first test in the upcoming fifth Starship launch test. In this way, it aims to reduce rocket weight and costs by eliminating the landing system on the second stage. It is stated that this structure will save fuel and that the platform to be established can place the first stage of Starship on top of the second stage. The company aims to provide serious time savings thanks to this system. SpaceX says multiple launches are needed to establish life on Marswants to reduce the time between Starship-based launches as much as possible. In case you missed it Starship The fourth take-off was carried out without any problems. The first stage that took off Super Heavy then returned without any problems and landed vertically. Finally, Starship itself made a vertical landing without any problems. Elon Musk said, “Despite multiple heat shields falling off and a damaged wing, Starship managed to make a soft landing on an autonomous platform in the ocean. Congratulations to the SpaceX team on an epic achievement.” he had said.


The fourth attempt was generally successful. The main thrust Super Heavy Booster and in front of it Starship First full take-off attempt for April 20, 2023 It was carried out on. A beautiful take-off was made with the most powerful rocket ever made, but then the process did not go as desired and a huge explosion occurred at an altitude of 38 km. happened.

The company prepared for the second take-off attempt for a long time, but US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 63 different companies before the second departure “corrective action” The FAA requested these because there had been serious damage after the first takeoff and there were some risks that could have been catastrophic.

The FAA has asked the company for design updates to prevent leaks and fires, a redesigned launch pad and numerous other fixes, It was announced that take-off would not be allowed without these being provided. Working together with the FAA for months SpaceXfulfilled all the requests without any problems and thus officially made the second take-off.

But the second launch, like the first, did not go exactly as planned. A few minutes after a smooth launch and planned first stage separation Super Heavy Exploded (This moment in the video here You can watch), this situation did not prevent Starship from continuing on its path. It rose much higher than the first version (148 km) Starship, then exploded like a Super HeavyNo one was harmed or any environmental damage occurred due to these two explosions.
