This is how the Liberals want to develop their environmental policy: “No one should doubt”

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The Liberals appoint a climate committee to develop the party’s climate policy. – Our climate policy must withstand scrutiny from both researchers and families, says party leader Johan Pehrson. He spoke in front of a few hundred of the party’s municipal and regional politicians at the Liberals’ national meeting in Linköping. The news in the speech was that the Liberals appointed a committee to develop the party’s climate policy ahead of the EU elections in 2024. The hope is that a new climate policy will attract new voters to the Liberals. – Before the European Parliament elections in 2024, no one should doubt that we are the green voice of the bourgeoisie, said Pehrson in his speech. According to Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari, the upcoming proposals must be both based on research and have “kitchen table legitimacy”. – We must build a climate and environmental policy that makes it easy for everyone to contribute to it, she says. See interviews with Johan Pehrson and Romina Pourmokhtari in the clip above.
