This is how the government must stop the gangs’ recruitment of children

The gang lures, threatens and forces children into very serious crime.
Their methods are many and the trend is difficult to stop.
On Monday, the government will present new measures to break recruitment.

In Sweden, children are murdered, often by other children.

At the beginning of November, Brå presented a report on how children and young people are involved in criminal networks. The study, which was commissioned by the government, is based, among other things, on around 30 interviews with people who themselves are or have been involved in criminal networks.

Brå states that the recruitment of children can happen very quickly – sometimes in less than a day. Children aged 12-15 are often recruited by young people aged 15-20, and the government sees it as central to break child recruitment, in order to eventually get at the escalating violence.

On Monday, starting at 2 p.m., Minister of Social Services Camilla Waltersson Grönvall will hold a press conference together with Christian Carlsson (KD), chairman of the social committee and Juno Blom (L), spokesperson for children’s rights issues, where they are expected to present new measures to address the problem.

– There are indications that the violence within the criminal environment is becoming more and more severe and is being practiced by younger and younger perpetrators, says Waltersson Grönvall at the press conference.

– We are now taking a comprehensive approach to youth crime, she continues.
