This is how the gang war affects the price of your condominium

This is how the gang war affects the price of

A recently published survey conducted by the Real Estate Agency, part of Swedbank, shows that safety and security are one of the most important issues when Swedes change residences.

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1.5 million want to move

The survey states that every fifth Swedish adult, 1.5 million people, has considered moving because of the increasing violence and growing gang crime.

Half of these want to move, but cannot due to, for example, financial reasons.

Segregating migration currents

News24 have spoken to Johan Engström, CEO at the Real Estate Agency. He says that this means that areas that are safe are increasing in popularity, while already stigmatized areas are becoming less and less attractive.

– Politics will have to play a big role when it comes to reducing segregation between the areas, he says.

The brokers notice a difference

The fact that the insecurity factor is so important to Swedish home buyers means that the price gap for homes in different parts of the country can increase based on which areas are seen as safe and unsafe.

– It may sound cliché, but it is the situation that decides. Our brokers around the country notice that violence and gang crime affect different residential areas, in different ways, he says and continues:

– Certain vulnerable areas are decreasing in attractiveness, while others that are seen as safe are becoming more interesting. Unfortunately, it leads to migration flows in the housing market, which worsens segregation, says Johan Engström.

Affects the price picture

This means that the expected price increase, which many believe will occur now that mortgage rates are starting to be lowered, can be completely avoided in Sweden’s vulnerable areas.

Prices may even continue to fall in segregated suburbs such as Tensta in Stockholm and Angered in Gothenburg, while prices soar in the safe and residential areas, such as Danderyd and Täby.

– When such a large parameter is safety when buying your home, it leads to unsafe areas having a negative price trend, while safe areas can have a favorable one.

Political bloc-crossing measures are requested in the Real Estate Agency press release.

Most unsafe group: Young men

The most unsafe is the demographic group in society that is also subject to the violence – young men between 18 and 29 years of age. In that group, there are twice as many as in the other groups, who want to move for the same reasons.

It is also the group in society that is most afraid that someone close to them, or themselves, will be exposed to gang violence or similar criminality.

Only 11 percent wanted good childcare

Half of the respondents thought that it was most important that it was safe and secure in the area. In comparison, only 11 percent thought that the most important thing was a good school or preschool.

Only 7 percent preferred to know the area well in advance, and only 3 percent valued good care and care at the top of the list.

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