This is how the fixer service would help Anita in Dals-Ed

The fixer services are based on the elderly being offered help with chores around the home where there is a risk of falling and injuring themselves. Eight municipalities in the county do not have such a service, including Dals-Ed.

Anita Strömmer lives in Dals-Ed and wishes the municipality had a repair service.

– It would be an opportunity for us who live here but do not have relatives nearby. Since I myself belong to one of them, I would really look forward to getting help with things that I neither can, nor dare to do myself.

Once the fire alarm started beeping about changing batteries in the middle of the night. When Anita Strömmer tried to take it down herself, she almost fell.

Watch her tell more about the incident and what else she would need help with in the video.

Get help from neighbors

Anita Strömmer has no relatives living nearby, but has good contact with her neighbors who usually help her when she needs. Anita says that she knows several others in Dals-Ed who, like her, would like to see a fixer service in the municipality.

Just the knowledge that it is there to call when needed would be a security for many.

“Cut grass, shovel snow, defrost fridge and freezer” – start the clip in the player to accompany Anita Strömmer home in Dals-Ed and hear her thoughts about what a repair service could help her with.
