After several years of reduced purchasing power, the government is investing heavily to strengthen household finances. If you count all investments that can directly and indirectly strengthen the purchasing power of households, according to Länsförsäkringar’s private economist Stefan Westerberg, it is about SEK 27.2 billion.
– It reflects the fact that we have lost about ten years of purchasing power in the last two or three years, he says.
The biggest investments include a new job tax credit and reduced tax for pensioners.
– These are much-needed investments for many who have fought against sky-high inflation, high mortgage interest rates and real wage cuts in recent years. At the same time, we can see that most money goes to those with higher incomes, says Westerberg.
The opposition critical
The opposition has expressed criticism that the budget favors high income earners and calls for, among other things, more money for healthcare.
In the video, Stefan Westerberg explains what the government’s investments mean for your wallet.