This is how Stockholm managed to avoid the communist party’s books

Cold facts’ review has attracted a lot of attention this week after 19 out of 20 municipalities used parts of books from the Chinese Communist Party in schools.

The city of Stockholm is the municipality that has managed to avoid them.
Now the municipality tells us how it works to choose good school books for mother tongue teaching.

– Every year, we conduct a review of teaching materials to be ordered and teaching materials that we use. It is made based on things such as the view of men and women, beliefs, age, democratic issues, objectivity and versatility, says Renée Schlegel who is head of unit at the Language Center in the city of Stockholm.

How teachers review school books differs between the 20 municipalities that Kalla fakta has reviewed. In 19 of them, Kalla fakta this week was able to reveal that books from the Chinese Communist Party were used.

Of the municipalities examined, it is only in the city of Stockholm that they have managed to avoid them.

Uses Swedish books

The Chinese embassy has worked actively to distribute the books for free and a general problem is a lack of teaching materials. The city of Stockholm has a solution for finding alternatives.

– Another thing that we have worked a lot on is trying to see that it is possible to use Swedish teaching materials. You can link back to what the students do in school the other part of the school day and use that material to work on developing the language, says Renée Schlegel.
