This is how much the top officials earn – Thornberg gets the most

For the second year in a row, National Police Chief Anders Thornberg tops the list of the country’s best-paid agency heads. With a salary of SEK 179,900, his monthly income has increased by 1.75 percent compared to last year.

Even Försäkringskassan’s director-general Nils Öberg, commander-in-chief Micael Bydén and the Swedish Tax Agency’s director-general Katrin Westling Palm can collect a monthly salary of more than SEK 170,000, shows a mapping that Everything done.

As a whole, the heads of our government agencies receive a salary increase of 1.8 percent, which is the same average increase as last year.


Anders Thornberg: Thousands are recruited into the gangs – every year

Bargained strongly

The person who succeeded best in her salary negotiation is Petra Mårselius, superintendent at the Forum for Living History. Her salary has increased by 5.88 percent, which is the largest salary increase in percentage terms.

The director of the Student Support Appeals Board, Robert Dalman, earns the worst of all, with a monthly salary of SEK 86,800.

Sida’s director general Carin Jämtin, who is forced to leave his post, will not receive a salary increase at all. On the other hand, Mikael Ribbenvik, the outgoing head of the Swedish Migration Agency, will receive it, whose salary will increase from SEK 143,700 to SEK 146,200.

The new salaries apply retroactively from 1 October 2022.


Thornberg on the culture of silence: “Have seen it in my own investigations”
