This is how much the Nobel Party 2024 costs – for the guests

This is how much the Nobel Party 2024 costs –

In 2023, the Nobel Foundation’s total costs were measured at a whopping SEK 126.1 million. What this number will land on this year, 2024, remains to be seen.

READ MORE: How much does the Nobel Party cost in 2024?

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In place at the banquet are, as usual, large parts of Sweden’s royal family, the Nobel laureates, a lot of party leaders and a few selected students.

How much does Nobel Fest 2024 cost for the guests?

The Nobel laureates never have to pay to come to the ceremony, but there are guests such as university students and others who may have to pay an envelope fee.

Photo: Henrik Montgomery / TT.

The price for a ticket to the Blue Hall has risen since 2018. Back then it cost SEK 3,000 for a ticket. According to information from SVT however, a ticket to the banquet in 2024 cost a whopping SEK 3,600 – an increase of SEK 600.

According to the Nobel Foundation’s former press director, Mikael Östlundthe prize is determined by how many prize winners there are.

– The development of the costs for the Nobel Festival depends on how many laureates there are each year. It is not the whole truth, but a decisive factor, since the foundation covers the cost for them, he said then in an interview with SVT.


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