This is how much money you should put aside for food each month

This is how much money you should put aside for

News24 have previously written about how food prices are rising and it is becoming more expensive to fill the food box for many.

When the new budget was presented, it turned out that the retired couple were the biggest losers in the new budget.

That’s how little pensioners get in the new budget

“The retired couple may well be considered the losers,” said SEB’s private economist Americo Fernandez to TT.

Two people with a median pension of SEK 21,600 each receive an extra SEK 226 per month.

— There are not many activities pensioners can do for that. It is not enough for a trip or barely enough to fill the grocery bag.

READ MORE: That’s how little pensioners get in the new budget

Food prices stabilize

Swedbank has conducted a survey on the price development of food in Sweden.

They call the survey “Swedbank’s food bank” and measure the general price trend and the total food cost per month and typical household.

According to Swedbank, the price increase has moderated recently and now roughly follows the general price trend.

– It is good for households and the general price trend that food prices stabilize. Many, not least families with children, have had to see food costs rise sharply and crowd out other necessary consumption, says Arturo Arques, Swedbank and Sparbankerna’s private economist in one press release.

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Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TTLivsmedlen which increased the most in price

The goods that have increased in price the most so far are dairy products, cheese and oil. But even if food prices stabilize, they are still higher than a few years ago.

– Compared to January 2022, however, food prices are significantly higher. At that time, the food box for the single household cost SEK 3,542, while the teenage family paid SEK 11,623 for their food box. It is easy to understand that many households feel that food prices are high, says Arturo Arques in the press release.

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This is how much money households have to put aside for food every month

Today, households need to spend an average of SEK 6,328 on food per month, according to Swedbank’s calculation.

According to Swedbank, the cost of food for a single household today is approximately SEK 4,365. However, a household with two or more teenagers has the highest food costs, at SEK 14,315 a month.

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