This is how much money the participants in GVFÖ get: “Much more expensive”

This is how much money the participants in GVFO get

When the reunion of Married at First Sight was televised on Monday, viewers got to know how the participants have been since the cameras were turned off.

However, some questions have not been answered yet, for example how much money do the participants in the program get for their participation? The answer to that question has The Express found out.

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How did the couple in Married at First Sight fare?

News24 has previously reported on how Married at First Sight participants fared after the program ended. There it appears, among other things, that Jimmy Nordqvist34, would not participate in the show’s reunion.

During the course of the program, many have discussed what was really the reason for the abrupt end between him and Linnea Alsberg28. Although Jimmi himself was not at the reunion, he still told the episode about the viewers’ speculation.

– The freedom people take to speculate and attribute qualities that are quite terrible to acquire as a person, it has been tough, he said then in the program.

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Jimmi was not in the “What Happened Then?” episode of Married at First Sight. Photo: Screen image/SVT.

READ MORE: That’s what happened to the couple in Married at First Sight in 2024

Married at first sight – they have broken up

However, that was not the only thing that happened between the recording and the reunion. It also turned out Emmy Johansson27, and Matthias Cedergren38, had gone their separate ways after ten months of marriage.

Antonia Exner27, and Torsten Malmgård, 27, called off their marriage before the season was finished. Today, however, both have found love elsewhere.

The only couple. who are still happily married is therefore the Gothenburg citizen Christoffer Sundén30 and Rosanna Segerstedt Pillay32 who moved home to Rosanna in Malmö where they plan their future together.

Mattias and Emmy have broken up. Photo: Screen image/SVT.

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How much money do the participants of Married at First Sight get?

So how much money did the participants actually get for their participation in the show?

It actually has The Express the answer to. In a conversation with the participant Rosanna, it appears that the participants received a contribution of SEK 2,600 from the production.

However, the money was not meant to go into one’s own pocket, but would cover the costs of a wedding dress or suit.

Finding the perfect dress for your wedding day for a few thousand can seem difficult to many, but Rosanna tells Expressen that she managed to find a solution.

– It depends on what kind of wedding dress you have. Some are much more expensive. But then you can get a great dress for that money too, she says and continues:

– I rented my dress. It felt great.

In addition to the dress costs, the production also paid for the venue, accommodation and all other wedding expenses.

But the participants do not receive any amount for participating in the program.


Here are the ones who didn’t get to be in Married At First Sight

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