This is how much Hedda Stiernstedt earns – here is her income

Hedda Stiernstedt36, became known to the Swedish people in the film Unga Sophie Bell, but the big breakthrough was as the restaurant owner Nina in SVT’s Vår tid is nu which was broadcast from 2017 until 2019.

Hedda Stiernstedt plays Margitta Wendin in Börje

At the time of writing, Hedda is current in the series Börje, where she plays Börje Salmings ex-wife Margitta Wendin. A role that Hedda was not entirely up to. In an interview with News24 told Hedda recently about the challenge of portraying Margitta Wendin.

– Margitta is not a public or famous person, so there is not much documentation on her. And it has been boring for me because there has been less to relate to. But the positive in that is of course also that I get to make greater creative choices, I have had greater artistic freedom, Hedda told Nyheter24.

This is how Börje Salming’s ex-wife Margitta Wendin lives today

Next year, we will see her in the Danish thriller Den gränseløse, which is included in Jussi Adler-Olsens series about Department Q who handles cold cases at the Copenhagen police.

Hedda Stiernstedt. Image source: Stella Pictures. Hedda Stiernstedt is married – this is her husband Alexis Almström

Privately, Hedda is married to the director Alexis Almstrom38, who has also made the film Rosa moln where Hedda plays the lead role.

Alexis has not always worked in film – he also has a past as an artist, and under the name Alexis Weak he released songs like “112”.

The couple lives together in a turn-of-the-century house in Vasastan.

Hedda Stiernstedt with her husband Alexis Almström. Image source: Stella Pictures. What is Hedda Stiernstedt’s salary and wealth? That’s how much money she has

That Hedda Stiernstedt is “in demand” as one of Sweden’s currently hottest actresses can also be seen in her bank account.

Nyheter24 has obtained information from the Swedish Tax Agency which shows that Hedda had a fixed earned income of SEK 579,776 in 2022. This gives a nice monthly salary of SEK 48,314.

But – and this is a big but. It is not the only money that Hedda is sitting on…

Hedda Stiernstedt’s company is doing very well. Image source: Stella Pictures.

She is also active in the limited company Starstreet AB. According to Alla Bolag, Starstreet AB shall “operate in film, television and theatre, such as acting and film production. The company shall also conduct music production and DJ operations”.

In addition to Hedda herself, Hedda’s mother also sits on the board Metta.

So how is the company doing then? Yes, but it turns out fantastically nice. According to Alla Bolag, the company had a turnover of SEK 2.1 million and has assets of almost SEK 5.4 million.

Hedda Stiernstedt about the meeting with Bianca Ingrosso at Spy Bar: “Breasts…”
