This is how much cash you should have at home

This is how much cash you should have at home

Sweden is one of the world’s most digitized countries and when it comes to digital payment solutions we are also at the forefront. However, in the event of a crisis, it is beneficial not to rely too much on technology.

– If a payment method or checkout system is interrupted, it can be difficult to buy food, fuel and medicine. It is therefore good to be able to pay in several different ways, says Elin Bohmanpress secretary at the Swedish Agency for Community Protection and Preparedness (MSB) to Nyheter24.

The expert: You should have that at home in case of crisis – which many forget

How much cash should you have at home?

So it can be good to have cash at home. But how much money is it really reasonable to have on hand in your household?

– Think about what the household appliances look like for your household and how much cash you or you need to get by for a week without society’s help, then you have done more than most. A little is better than nothing. Preferably in smaller denominations, says Elin Bohman.

The expert advises: You should have it at home if there is a power cut

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

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How to store the cash

MSB has no recommendations regarding whether you should have cash in other currencies. However, they urge everyone who withdraws cash to store the money in such a way as to prevent it from being damaged or lost as much as possible.

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