This is how many push-ups you should be able to do – based on your age

This is how many push ups you should be able to

How many push-ups you can do can say a lot about your health, the newspaper reports Huffington Post and refers to a study published in JAMA Network.

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Then the risk of suffering from heart problems is increased

Seeing how many push-ups you can do can be a good way to test your health. The study published by the JAMA Network shows that adults who can do more than 40 push-ups are 96 percent less likely to develop heart problems than adults who can only do 10 or fewer push-ups. The study, however, involved only men.

Photo: Isabell Höjman/TT

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This is how many push-ups you should be able to do – based on your age

How many push-ups should you be able to do – based on your age? According to the health organization Mayo Clinic are these the numbers we should start from:

Women: 20 push-ups
Men: 28 push-ups

Women: 19 push-ups
Men: 21 push-ups

Women: 14 push-ups
Men: 16 push-ups

Women: ten push-ups
Men: twelve push-ups

Women: ten push-ups
Men: ten push-ups

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If you can do this, it indicates that you have a good fitness level and health status, according to the Mayo Clinic. If you think it’s difficult to do push-ups, it’s good to have your knees on the ground.

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