This is how long Chryssanthi Kavazi wants to stay on maternity leave

This is how long Chryssanthi Kavazi wants to stay on

Since the beginning of the year, die-hard GZSZ viewers have had to do without Chryssanthi Kavazi on their screens. The Greek-German actress is currently on maternity leave. She had her second child with her husband and actor Tom Beck in April. But the beauty already has precise ideas about her return to everyday work.

Chryssanthi Kavazi returns to GZSZ

During a question and answer session on her Instagram channel, the mother of two also answered some questions about her future at the daily soap. “This time I want to stay at home longer”she explains to her curious community. After all, her parental leave after the birth of her first child only lasted around six months. This time, she wants to take a whole year for her new family of four. But she still promises her fans one thing:

Then Laura comes back and causes trouble in the neighborhood. I can’t imagine Laura coming back normally.

However, she does not yet know exactly what her return will ultimately look like. Her character Laura is currently in Los Angeles. There she is preparing the launch of a major project for her agency Female hoch 3.

RTL Germany

Chryssanthi Kavazi with her husband Tom Beck

Despite maternity leave: She can’t live without GZSZ!

But the beauty can’t completely do without her colleagues and the exciting stories on Good Times, Bad Times. Although she enjoys spending time with her family to the fullest, she misses her colleagues, but luckily she still keeps in touch with them. To stay up to date, she even turns on the television herself in the evening. “Normally I’m involved in the stories and get the approval beforehand”she continues. At the moment she doesn’t know what is happening.


During her time off, Chryssanthi Kavazi misses her GZSZ colleagues

How to watch and stream GZSZ for free

Good Times, Bad Times airs Monday to Friday at 7:40 p.m. on RTL. The episodes can be streamed on RTL+ a week in advance and are available on demand.
