This is how five-year-old Alice lives with a new heart: “Dare to hope”

TV4 Nyheterna has reported in a series of articles about five-year-old Alice Ström, who was born with acute leukemia, and who, after completing treatment, suffered heart failure.

– You had just started to recover from the cancer and felt like you had found a normal life again, and then you get the news about the heart failure, Alice’s mother Therese Ström told Nyhetsmorgon in February last year.

In the spring of 2023, Alice fought against the clock, and in June she received a new heart.

“Unreal to get the news”

On Sunday, Alice visited Nyhetsmorgon together with mother Therese and older brother Melvin.

– It was surreal to receive the news. It was something you had waited a long time to get, and you never knew if it would come, says mother Therese in the interview.

– The doctors stood there with all the knowledge and could save her life if you had this organ, and there was nothing they could conjure up. So it was very difficult to stand there completely powerless. When they called, it was a mixture of delight and horror, it was great that she got a chance, while it could be canceled at the last second.

“Glad they made such a good decision – gave Alice a chance”

Therese says they are grateful to the family who chose to donate the heart.

– I feel incredible gratitude, and am incredibly happy that they made such a fine decision and were able to think of another family in their worst moment and that the organ could be used and not buried. It’s fantastic that Alice got a chance.

She continues:

– There will always be a concern, we have no guarantees as to how long the heart will last, it feels like a little lottery, you never know how only they match, but so far it has looked great.

– Right now there is no indication that she would get worse, but until she is 18 we will be in hospital every three months for check-ups.

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