This is how Finland’s NATO membership will progress in the coming days – when the ratifications are over, Finland will be invited to become a member of the military alliance

This is how Finlands NATO membership will progress in the

Hungary is scheduled to accept Finland’s membership on Monday. The Turkish parliament is also believed to discuss the ratification this week.

Finland is moving a step or two closer to NATO membership this week.

The Hungarian parliament is scheduled to vote on Finland’s accession to the North Atlantic Treaty on Monday. According to ‘s information, the Turkish parliament can also ratify Finland’s NATO membership this week.

In Hungary, Finland’s application will be processed this afternoon. The vote is expected to take place after five at the earliest, when the parliamentarians have first dealt with controversial issues related to Hungary’s economy.

Voting should be mostly a formality. Leader of the parliamentary group of the Fidesz party that leads Hungary Maté Kocsis said on Friday that his group supports Finland’s membership.

The decision on Sweden’s membership will be made later, MP Kocsis wrote on Facebook on Friday.

In Turkey, the situation is more uncertain

In Turkey, the parliament meets on Monday, but Finland’s NATO membership is not believed to be on the representatives’ agenda at the moment.

It has been estimated among Turkish journalists that Finland’s membership would probably be voted on on Tuesday.

However, there is no certainty about the schedule, and the voting may drag on until the end of the week or possibly even longer.

In Turkey, too, the vote on Finland’s NATO membership is considered a formality. The Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee unanimously approved Finland’s membership last week.

Turkey and Hungary are the only NATO member countries that have not yet ratified Finland’s membership. When this has happened, the Secretary General of NATO invites Finland to join the North Atlantic Treaty.

Officially, Finland becomes a member of the military alliance when the letter of accession to NATO is deposited in the custody of the US government.
