This is how Elliot Westlund trains to be the best – challenging the rich riders from the USA

Living in Sweden and competing in water skiing is not optimal.

– It’s really only the summer months that we can go. My competitors in the USA train eleven months a year in Florida, says Elliot Westlund.

When, in contrast to the turquoise waters of Florida, you see Elliot’s head sticking out of the black and cold Great Lakes, surrounded by mosquitoes, his achievements become even more impressive.

Affluent opponents

– His opponent flies first class to the competitions. They have rich parents. We usually say that Elliot is the poorest water skier in the world rankings, says father Jimmie and laughs.

Six to seven days a week are devoted to training and Elliot is optimistic about the future.

– I want to be good at this and think it’s fun. Next summer I will enter a new class – U21. Then I get to increase the speed in the jumps. So I’m going to tune into that and prepare for the championships.

Watch Elliot Westlund water ski in the clip.
