This is how Chinese youth fell in love with Finland: Students learn the language with mind maps and singing Foreign countries

This is how Chinese youth fell in love with Finland

Mika Hentunen’s video letter takes us to a university in Beijing, where young Chinese are studying Finnish. Young people have Finnish first names in class.

BEIJING Here are the three most interesting parts of the video letter:

  • At Beijing Foreign Languages ​​University, studying Finnish is more interesting than before, as 21 new Finnish language students have just started there.
  • The Finnish language degree can only be studied at two universities in China: Tianjin and Beijing.
  • Young people learn grammar by drawing mind maps and Finnish songs.
  • Artificial intelligence has made a summary of the script of the video letter. The editor has checked the summary.

    What thoughts did the Chinese youth’s language skills arouse?

    Ps. The video letter will be on summer break. You can send us feedback about the video letter: [email protected] Have a sunny summer for everyone who followed the video letter!
