This is how China curbs the use of mobile phones by children and young people

This is how China curbs the use of mobile phones

China has a quarter of the world’s smartphones and the most problems caused by excessive staring at them. Our Asian correspondent Mika Hentunen’s video letter opens up the Chinese people’s cell phone addiction.

BEIJING Here are the three most important points of the video letter:

  • Chinese people spend a significant part of their day with their smartphones. Using a smartphone for studying is particularly popular, but a lot of time is also used for consuming entertainment and messaging with friends.
  • The use of smartphones by children and young people has raised concerns; concentration difficulties, sleep disturbances and antisocial behavior have become more common. China has already taken steps to limit the use of smartphones by children and young people.
  • Smartphones are an important way of spending time for many young people, and for some, phones have even replaced other hobbies. One of the young people interviewed used his phone up to 12 hours a day due to the lack of other activities.
  • Artificial intelligence has summarized the three points mentioned above from the script of the video letter.

    What do you think about limiting the use of mobile phones by children and young people? You can discuss the topic until Tuesday 12 September. until 11 p.m.
