This is how Biden travels to Finland – get to know the details of the president’s plane and car

This is how Biden travels to Finland get to

The US president’s current official car will be seen in Finland for the first time. Thanks to the technology, Biden’s travel equipment is extremely safe.

President of the United States Joe Biden will visit Finland on Thursday, July 13.

Biden will travel to Helsinki on the famous Air Force One. The name refers to any United States Air Force aircraft used to transport the President, but usually refers to two customized aircraft of the Boeing 747-200B series. The Air Force designation for the plane is VC-25A.

After landing on Finnish soil, Biden will continue his journey in an armored Cadillac, the newest version of which will now be seen in Finland for the first time. The President’s official car is known by the nickname The Beast.

Neither the manufacturer General Motors nor the Secret Service provide details about the car’s current security systems.

However, there has been information circulating in the public that the car would have, for example, a tear gas gun, a built-in satellite phone and a first aid kit that contains blood that matches the president’s blood type.

The main task of both the transit games is to keep the president safe until the destination.
