“This is going to be hell on earth” – Americans tell EPN they fear riots | Foreign countries

This is going to be hell on earth Americans

The shooting will only make Trump stronger, believes Pennsylvanian John Mahon.

The US federal police FBI suspects that a 20-year-old man has tried to assassinate the presidential candidate Donald Trump’s.

asked Pennsylvania residents what they thought of the attack early in the morning Finnish time.

Working as a salesperson in the jewelry department Dawn Chwastyk thinks the case will cause a lot of trouble in the US.

– I believe that there will be riots everywhere here. This is going to be hell on earth. Actually, that’s what I think, he tells .

Also a student Lauren Smith says the incident could cause unrest.

– The strike is a bad thing for our entire country. This will cause violence between people and bad reputation everywhere. I am afraid of political violence.

In the video below, journalist Laura Saarikoski says that some people are genuinely happy about the incident.
