This is a sign of a pancreas that works badly – tired and weight problem with the key

This is a sign of a pancreas that works badly

This can cause pancreatic insufficiency.

The pancreas is a gland behind the stomach, under the liver. Its role is major because it produces enzymes necessary for the digestion of food and hormones – mainly insulin – which help regulate blood sugar. A tired pancreas is never trivial. Ultimately, this can lead to pancreatic insufficiency with food digestion problems or even metabolic disorders (diabetes …) with sugar regulation problems.

A slightly overloaded pancreas may not give symptoms at the start. But once the pancreas is really damaged, symptoms appear. The most characteristic sign is the appearance of “fatty stools” because a tired pancreas does not produce enough digestive enzymes to degrade fats, which can then be found in stool. Concretely, these are uncomfortable fats that have an “oily” appearance, pale, generally smelly, voluminous and floating in the bowl. Oil droplets can even be observed in the toilet after pulling the flush.

Second, we can cite unexplained weight loss. A tired pancreas can no longer produce enough digestive enzymes, which leads to poor absorption of nutrients and vitamins. As a result, the person can lose weight even if they continue to eat normally.

Other symptoms may indicate a problem in the pancreas. “”The signs are very varied and may include digestive disorders (gas, bloating, diarrhea, nausea …), abdomen pain, headache, vision problems, blood sugar problems (sometimes hyperglycemia , sometimes hypoglycemia) and notable fatigueList Carmen Tanguy, naturopath, reflexologist and author. “”As they are symptoms that are not very specific and common to several more or less serious pancreatic diseases (pancreatitis, jaundice, calculation, metabolic disorders linked to malfunction of the pancreas, cancer …), it is important to consult your treating doctor if this type of Symptoms persist“Insists our expert.

To support the proper functioning of the pancreas, natural solutions exist: “We will start with Correct food hygiene by limiting alcohol, tobacco, ultra processed foods, then stimulate pancreatic function by taking for example Nigelle oil or thistle herbal teas Marie“, Recommends our interlocutor.
