This highly anticipated film causes a war on social networks several months before its release

This highly anticipated film causes a war on social networks

It comes out in a few months, but it’s already an event on social networks. Some spectators are impatient to see this film, others are annoyed by the reactions.

There are certain films that provoke more fervor than others… to the point of unleashing passions on social networks! This is the case of this highly anticipated feature film by a very active community of fans on between the conquered who did not fail to express their enthusiasm and the others who did not remain silent either.

Directed by Todd Philipps, the film Joker had the effect of an uppercut when it was released in cinemas at the end of 2019. This feature film, directed by Joaquin Phoenix, revisited the origins of the great Batman villain by offering him a dark and violent story that criticizes the dream American and which basically suggested that society creates its own monsters. Eminently political, this Joker definitely sparked debate, but was very well received by critics and the public in France, to the point of creating a solid, very active fan base on social networks.

© Warner Bros.

Faced with the success of the film, which allowed Joaquin Phoenix to win his first Oscar for best actor a few months later, a sequel was started. Titled Joker : madness for two, this project was kept secret for a long time to preserve the surprise. And for good reason: the thriller becomes a separate musical comedy which sees the arrival of Lady Gaga in the guise of Harley Quinn. We will ultimately have to wait until the end of 2024 to discover the second episode of the Joker’s adventures, but a trailer unveiled at the beginning of April allowed fans to wait. The detailed plot is still very mysterious, but fans have gone wild over these new images.

Some are already calling it “genius” or “masterclass” thanks to a particular shot in the trailer (which we’ll let you discover), while others are “so so so excited to see” the film. Conversely, detractors were annoyed by the excess enthusiasm on social networks. “I really liked the first one, I’m eagerly awaiting the second one, but as many people already see it as a masterpiece, it creates a feeling of being fed up even before its release,” writes a user on In response, some criticized the “contempt” of some moviegoers. New piece in the clash machine.

Whatever your side, there is no denying that Joker : madness for two will be an event outing. A little more patience, since the film can be seen in cinemas on October 2, 2024.
