Among all the plants ready to share their benefits, there is a particularly effective in helping the liver clean.
The role of the liver is to detoxify the organism and the organ knows how to regulate its functions by itself. However, the liver can be engorged, because of our lifestyle (food imbalance, alcohol consumption, tobacco, drug treatments, contraceptive pill, etc.). A engorged liver can lead to the appearance of minor digestive disorders (bad digestion, nausea, etc.), fatigue or a lack of energy and vitality. Clean and unclog the liver improves its operation.
This cleaning can be done thanks to certain plants such as artichoke, rosemary, thyme … But there is a more effective plant than the others according to Sophie Pihan, naturopath and member of the National Federation of Naturopaths (FENA). “Its roots are known to support the liver in its detoxification functions” she explains to us. Detoxify also means putting toxins into the body into the body so that they are properly eliminated by emunctories. “It is a role that the root of this flower perfectly fulfills thanks to its depurative function. The roots also have choleretical properties, because they stimulate the secretion of bile by the liver” continues our interlocutor.
“They also have a draining action, making it possible to fight against water retention, and a diuretic effect. By increasing the urinary volume and the frequency of urine, they help to eliminate toxins faster”. The plant in question? “Dandelion is the best plant to clean the liver.” And it is very simple to prepare it in herbal tea: “Let the roots macerate in water at room temperature, ideally the previous evening. You just have to warm it the next day to enjoy the benefits of herbal tea. Otherwise, let the roots infuse in simmering water for 15 20 minutes ” recommends Sophie Pihan. Use filtered tap water with coal or using a ceramic filtration process. If you choose bottle water, it must be weakly mineralized, with a dry residue rate of less than 100 mg/l (Mont-Roucous, Montcalm, dew of the queen).
Drink 1 to 3 cups per day for 3 weeks. In addition, in the evening, apply a hot water bottle at the level of the liver “To support the functions of the liver”. For those who have difficulties with the bitterness of dandelion, add a few mint leaves or lemon juice but “Know that bitterness is part of the detox by reacting the liver and by triggering the organism detoxification process. If you make the grimace, it is that it is effective” jokes the expert. She advises to buy dandelion roots “Mandatoryly from organic farming, at the risk of adding toxins to your liver. If you have dandelions in your garden, you can uproot them and clean the roots before consuming them as long as you do not use pesticides And not to live alongside non -biological cultures “. The plant is to be avoided in the event of biles.
Thanks to Sophie Pihan, naturopath and member of the National Federation of Naturopaths (FENA).