Meals are important moments that punctuate the daily life of the French. Be careful, however, some of your table mania can annoy your partner.
During couple meals, everyone has their habits. This can be a source of tensions as much as sharing. A OpinionWay Survey for HelloFresh Directed to 1073 French people recently studied the small culinary mania of couples. Food and meals are not particularly presented as matters of disputes: 80% of respondents ensure that they can manage the unforeseen events without arguing and only 17% classify them as conflictual.
68% of French people see in the kitchen a notion of sharing, allowing to discover your respective tastes and habits. For 64% of them, cooking together or in turn also participates in the development of the couple. More than one in two also likes to predict the menus of the week together. A third still sometimes tends to prepare a dish on their side to correspond to their respective tastes.
Once at the table, the atmosphere varies according to the couples. 38% of respondents admit that they are absorbed by the meal and therefore “forget” to discuss with their partner and conversely, another third party believes that their partner speaks too much and therefore that they no longer take advantage of their plate. Added to this is small mania that can quickly annoy. 69% of respondents assure having spotted at least one habit of their partner who annoys them at the table.
It is obviously the fact of consulting your mobile phone that disturbs the most (29%). Whether to answer messages, go to social networks or watch videos is a habit that is deemed very unpleasant. “These little mania are not just annoying habits, but these are also coded messages: ‘I am here, and I need that you notice it’. Behind a” loose your phone “, there is often a silent desire to say:” I want to share with you “, explains the psychologist Christèle Albaret, interviewed in the framework of the survey. Both men and women, but even more the 25-34 year olds (37%).
Fortunately (or not), it’s not just smartphones that are sources of tension. Put time to come to the table while the meal is ready also poses concern (26%). Other small fans disturb like eating the mouth open, starting to eat before everything is served or criticizing what has been cooked. It is then advisable to communicate with your partner, these habits that can easily be changed. It should not be forgotten that life for two involves compromises.