During your shopping, you surely do not pay attention to your every fact. However, this error can cost you dearly.
Crowd, narrow alleys … It is not always easy to wander in stores. It’s even more complicated when you have your arms loaded with articles. In a few seconds, an unfortunate incident can occur. An clumsy gesture drops a fragile product from its radius, a glass jar escapes you from the hands … Are these mishaps without consequences? Is the merchant entitled to ask you to compensate him?
You must, in theory, repair the damage you have caused, as notably specify the articles 1240 to 1244 of the Civil Code. In addition to repaying the deteriorated product, you must also compensate, if there are, collateral damage. Service-public.fr gives the example of “The breakage of a paint pot that dirty the carpet. “The same rules apply if it is your child or pet that has committed the fault, as if an object you use, such as a stroller, a cart or your coat, caused the incident.
However, it should not be forgotten that you should not pay the price of the product, but the sum that the merchant has paid him himself. You can claim a purchase invoice. Once the operation is carried out, you can request a receipt to keep proof. In some situations, you can still escape payment.

First of all, in fact, traders have insurance that will cover them in the event of involuntary damage and can therefore ignore it. They will then prefer to be mild and keep you as a good customer. In addition, there is a case where you are completely exempt from paying compensation: the accident may be due to negligence of the merchant. Combined alleys, poorly arranged or unstable products … if you prove this fault, then you will have nothing.
If you are not in this situation, you can also play your civil liability insurance if you have one. It is generally understood in your multi -risk home contract. You have to make a declaration within 5 days of the incident by registered letter, detailing what happened. Otherwise, to avoid ending up in such a situation, it is advisable to pay attention by moving objects, monitoring your children well and taking into account the displayed safety instructions.