This fruit placed in the baby’s room guarantees a good night’s sleep

This fruit placed in the babys room guarantees a good

When it comes to your kids’ sleep, any tip is a good one. One of them would be to install a very special fruit in your baby’s room. A method encouraged by experts.

Between night terrors, accidental pees or even all these unexplained reasons that disrupt your child’s sleep, it’s difficult to stay the course. That’s when a new trend is currently making the rounds on social media, promising to soothe your children and join the arms of Morpheus until the early hours of the morning. If the method may seem dubious, experts invite parents to play the game.

After trying this amazing tip, many parents say they have noticed a real change. This is the case of Adriii Suarez, a young mother living in Miami, Florida, who explained that she was helpless when faced with the disturbed sleep of her eight-month-old baby. She revealed that she was pleasantly surprised by these results: “This is my fourth full night of sleep in eight months, I’m delighted”she confided. “It’s true, it wasn’t perfect right away, she first woke up twice looking for her pacifier, but it was much less than her usual waking up. I don’t know how that happened. works, or why it works, but I’m so happy.”

So what is the miracle cure? This would involve placing a lime in your little one’s room. According to some beliefs, lime is “an incredible cleansing agent that would eliminate negative energies based on fear and all dark entities that infiltrate the home”explains Jessica Lynne, at the origin of the concept.

But what do the professionals say? Baby sleep consultant Rosey Davidson weighed in on the issue: “Some claim that lime calms the energy in the room, which subsequently helps calm the child’s energy. Although there is no scientific evidence to explain the effectiveness to put lime in your little one’s room […]if parents are convinced of this, they will be calm, babies and children will realize this, which could potentially improve their sleep.

It would therefore be a placebo effect, rather effective. So, if the powers of lime appeal to you, it’s time to run to the greengrocer and install one of these fruits in your child’s room. You should sleep better and, therefore, so should your child.
