This fruit is the best to purify the liver, it can even regenerate its cells

This fruit is the best to purify the liver it

“We find it easily in France so we should not deprive ourselves of it” supports our dietician-nutritionist.

The most voluminous organ of the human body, the liver provides many essential functions such as filtration of blood, protein manufacturing, fat digestion, elimination of drugs, alcohol … Neglecting your liver is exposing themselves to general discomfort and health problems. Certain foods and fruits play a key role in maintaining liver health. By regularly integrating them into our diet, we support the liver function and we contribute to the natural detox of the liver.

“”The great classics of the liver are citrus fruits like lemon, grapefruit or orange which are very rich in vitamin C, which helps to fight against oxidation that silently gnaws at liver cellsunderlines immediately Anne GuillotDietitian-Nutritionist. This is why you can recommend drinking a glass of lemon water in the morning.“The apple is also protective for the liver. Its richness in pectin has a double function: promoting the elimination of heavy metals and toxins in the liver and prevents fat accumulating in the liver.

But the best category of fruit for the liver remains that of red fruits (strawberry, raspberry, blueberries, blackcurrants …) because they are very rich in antioxidants (flavonoids and phytosterols) which are powerful detoxifying liver. One of them, which we tend to forget and consume little, is pomegranate. “”It is one of the most purifying fruits because it is extremely antioxidant and regenerates liver cells“, Specifies the nutrition expert. Today, it is easily found in France so we should not deprive themselves of it, they often come from Morocco or Italy, even from the south of France“.

Granada has also been studied in the treatment of non -alcoholic hepatic steatosis, the famous Nash nicknamed “foie gras disease”. “”It contains Ellagic acid, a polyphenolic compound which exercises its hepatoprotective properties mainly by eliminating free radicals, modulating the production of cytokines and regulating the metabolism of lipids. It thus reduces inflammation and could potentially reverse the damage caused by foie gras disease“Specify scientists in a study published in the journal Antioxidants.
