This free app scans your clothes to suggest your look of the day based on the weather

This free app scans your clothes to suggest your look

On average, fashionistas only use 30% of their wardrobe! To remedy this, this fashion expert has created a completely free application, intended to scan your wardrobe and put together your outfits. A fun and eco-responsible approach.

An application that fights against clothing waste. This is the good idea of ​​Nada Bargachi, former student of the French Fashion Institute. The entrepreneur suggests optimizing the wardrobes of fashionistas, while production in the textile industry has more than doubled over the last fifteen years. His genius idea? A virtual dressing room which digitizes all the clothes that users own to create ultra-trendy outfits for them.

How does this digital wardrobe work?

The one who worked at Chanel, New Look, Eram and even Moa Paris affirms it: alone 30% of clothes lying dormant in wardrobes are actually worn. Terrified by this observation, she committed to creating an application that would exploit the full potential of these wardrobes. The objective? Use all the parts that are there, encourage rotation and limit unnecessary purchases.

The Vera application interface © Vera

This is how Nada Bargachi designed the app Vera. A platform completely free which digitizes the clothes after having been photographed one by one. The algorithm associates the coins with each other and recommends, daily, three different outfits depending on weather.

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A fun, practical and eco-responsible platform

Behind this virtual dressing room, the commitment of this application is also ecological. In the magazine SHENada Bargachi explains: “Fast fashion allows us to have a lot of inexpensive clothes. Vinted also encourages us a lot to buy at a lower cost. And then we also tend to say to ourselves ‘I have nothing to wear’ when we have cupboards full to bursting.” Vera on the contrary allows to avoid overconsumption and discover new associations. Clever, right?
