This fly can lay up to 500 eggs in this hidden place of the house, beware of the rapid invasion

This fly can lay up to 500 eggs in this

Be careful, this little fly can quickly invade your home. It is absolutely necessary to treat this area of ​​the house to avoid infestation.

The presence of insects in our homes is a common problem, and some species are particularly invasive. This is the case for cockroaches, moths, flies, ants… But also for small, lesser-known flies, also called fruit flies or Drosophilidae. They are easily recognizable with their red eyes and brownish body. Although their appearance may seem harmless, their presence can become irritating if they enter your kitchen.

These flies are attracted to ripe and rotting fruit, as well as food debris in sinks. It is not uncommon to see ripe fruit covered in these insects, where females love to lay their eggs. How horrible to eat a fruit with fly eggs on it! But they also like to sneak into hidden places in your home. Their small size and feeding preferences make it easy for them to slip into sink drains where they can find an ideal environment to lay their eggs.

Part of the problem with these little flies is that they can go from egg to adult in a matter of days, which explains their ability to quickly invade a home. The other is that a female can lay up to 500 eggs in 10 days, often in areas rich in decaying organic matter. Within a few days, the eggs hatch into larvae that feed on this matter before metamorphosing. This makes them incredibly difficult to control.

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Increased vigilance is therefore required to avoid a rapid and difficult to control infestation. If you know where to look for them, it is easier to eliminate them. By treating the problem at the source, in the pipes of your sink, you can get rid of them easily.

Here are some solutions to put an end to this nuisance. You can pour boiling water down the pipes every three days to kill the eggs. Another solution is to pour white vinegar and baking soda down the pipes.

To treat the small flies already present in the kitchen, a good idea is to make a trap. In containers, cut very ripe fruit into very small pieces, and pour apple cider vinegar and dishwashing liquid on top. Cover the containers with cling film and pierce a few holes with a toothpick. The small creatures, attracted by the ripe fruit, will enter the trap and will not be able to get out.
