This old first name is well positioned each year in the ranking of the most fashionable first names. This year, girls who call themselves that are in first place, and boys in fifth place.
Some old first names are forgotten, while others remain fashionable over the years, even finding themselves propelled to the forefront. This is the case of a female first name of Germanic origin which means “fight”. This year, it is also one of the most trendy first names for 2025, tied with the first name Ambre, as it was difficult to decide between them for Stéphanie Rapoport and Claire Tabarly Perrin, the authors of the Official First Names 2025, published published by First. In their ranking, this feminine first name finds its masculine counterpart, also positioned in the top 5 of the most fashionable first names this year.
“After half a century of eclipse, Louise is reborn in the wave of retro names in Paris. Her new, dazzling career elevates her to number 1 in Paris in just a few years and in 2015, Louise becomes the queen of French female names” , report the specialists. If Emma, Jade and Ambre are neck and neck, Louise has not said her last word and should be one of the most given names this year. A name that has everything right and is also at the top of the list for little boys.
Indeed, the male version, Louis, is placed in 5th position of the most trendy first names for 2025. It is the only first name to climb into the top 5 for both girls and boys. “After a very discreet period, Louis reappeared in the 1990s. He procrastinated for a long time, but he has now consolidated his position in the Parisian and national top 10”specify the authors of the work. Today, Louis is the fifth most given male first name in France since the year 2000 and is given to nearly one boy in 100.
Louise and Louis are therefore undoubtedly the two most fashionable retro first names in 2025. Louis also refers to the kings of France Louis IX and Louis XIV, but also to Prince Louis of Cambridge which makes this masculine first name even more popular with young parents. On the daughter side, Louise echoes in history Louise of Savoy, niece of Louis XI and mother of François I, but also Louise of Orléans, nicknamed the beloved for her generosity towards poor families.